Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Final Exam Semester + Mock Exam = BE READY !

So, for 2 weeks I will undergo two Exams.
First, Final Exam Semester, I have prepare it as well as possible, for now just need to through its. 

Second, Mock Exam. Tryout for IGCSE exam. Rawwwrrr what the hell this one, actually I'm not really ready to do it. But, ready or not, I have to fight it. 

Hopefully God will give me the best. Amen, good luck for everyone :)

You have two choices, success or fail :P
Surely, I'll take the first one :)

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Waiting The End Of December

It's the most beautiful time of the year
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer
I don't wanna miss out on the holiday

Ok God finally December was came, the most incredible time I'm looking forward during here (Dormitory), Why? Simple, because the end of this month, I will go back to my hometown soon. Oh God, how happy I am.

I'll hug my mom, my best friends, my lovely cousins, and many others that I really miss so..
Ahhhhhh can't wait guys !
God, will you make the time more fast?
I hope so.

Minggu, 20 November 2011

September, 07 - 2011, What a beautiful day ever :)

A nice moment. The day when I felt the world belong with me. A great 2,5 hours. When every second I can saw a beautiful eyes, someone's face that I really miss, heard meaningful words. Huh every time I remember that day, I realize how close we used to be. Every conversation that have been made me shy. I believe that we're about accomplish something amazing. Since the day, I'm sure distance never separates two hearts that really care. I wish that things were easier for us. 

Haha maybe you will not believe, when I post this article I always wearing the smile that you gave to me, Thanks my special friend, thank you for the memories. You're the person I could never let go of. It's you, its always been you. I hope there are no endings :)

Untitled 2

Sometime I really wanna go back to my hometown, a peaceful place. Every day, every minute, every second, I just feel homesick, homesick and homesick. I just realize that my days here was so flat. If I have one request that surely will come true, I just want to go back to my old live, my old city, only a day God please, it’s simple enough right? :’(
I'm gonna miss my old city so badly..
Its feel to sweet to be left..
I miss every piece of the moments..
God, will you bring me to the past? 

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Moments of Manta Ray

Second family
Thanks Sampoerna Academy, you gave them to me..

July, 14 2011

*Photosession of 150 Students who got scholarship from Sampoerna Foundation after a great event named Inauguration. Still remember that unforgettable day, fully with meaningful tears from our parents. It was really GREAT day ever

*Members of Manta Ray 10 grader, Dorm n Day students. Actually there's no different between us. We are still one big family
House Meeting
*So, house meeting has been held on independence day of Indonesia. If in another school named with class meeting, different with us, Sampoerna Academy. Here, sense of family is upheld.
*Nicky, Ocha, Me, Hanna and our beloved student advisor, Miss Ria.

Kite Exhibition
* Kite Exhibition also one of many events of Independence day in Sampoerna Academy.

*Me, Puspita, Pipod, Laras, Tiwi, Tami, and Aline

This One ! :D
*I love this moment. All of Manta Ray Members from ten grader till twelve grader together hold the meal. A kind of this moment is "Rujakan", it's a traditional food.

Smandasa's Birthday
*Yeee, Happy 12th birthday my great school 

*Our Offerings, house performance

Wait my another posts about Manta Ray.
Manta Spirit Jos :P

The Most Crushing Class

Okay, finally I found the most crushing class, just like my classmate when I was in JHS...

Icha (My girlfriend), Iza, Amiro (Uuuuhhh ! How lucky I'm having a friend like you), Zepi, Tami, Sista, Uyuk, Cyntya, Prissy, Azza, Rara (The new student from Malaysia) , Tsabit :P, Safira, Diyant, Novi, Rendra (The greatest student of X-5), Teddy , Fikri, Syeh, Vreegal, Mega (The one who always judge me, haha it's okay, I know it just a joke), Rifqy (The one who always says that I'm too fat), Arka, Brilly, Septian, Awwwww thanks a lot guys, you brought a great atmosphere in our class. I Love all of youuuu so much much and much, keep a great friendship ya ;)

Selasa, 01 November 2011

Pesan dari Umi

My mom,

Nak, umi sendirian kaya orang gila, bingung mau ngapain. Gini ya rasanya ditinggal anak demi cari ilmu, umi tekanan batin tiap hari gara gara kesepian.

Maaf ya mi, aku ga bisa nemenin umi tiap hari, ga kaya dulu waktu aku masih ada di rumah, aku disini buat bahagiain umi dan keluarga. Aku janji, suatu saat nanti aku bakal kembali dalam pelukan umi dan pastinya ga akan lupa bawa sesuatu yang bisa bikin umi bangga.

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Incredible Memories

When we begin grow into teenagers world

I won't explain who is them, I think you already know that they were my junior high school's friends.

Upsss, Uh no.. I mean they are not my friends,
but my best friends :)
Hehe, it's okay.
Check it out these photos. We took it when we held reunion at SMP N 1 Tuban.