Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

Apa ya? =D

          Memang benar ya bahwa waktu itu berjalan sangat cepat hihi. Hallo lembar ke 8 di 2012, sungguh minggu pagi yang sunyi tapi menghangatkan di Asrama, tepatnya di kamar A36 tepatnya lagi di kamar tidur saya yang super nyaman :) Di hari terakhir liburan ini mau dong saya manfaatin buat sekedar sharing postingan ga jelas dan ga mutu, juga bertidur pulas sepanjang hari untuk menutup liburan yang super suram haha =D

          Oiya, bagaimana saturday night kalian tadi malam? I guess it was amazing, so far away different with me as a dormitory student who got high under pressure *eh, okay I know it was too over. Haha, kembali lagi deh tentang kehidupan saya sebagai anak asrama itu sangat.., sangat apa ya, sulit untuk dijelaskan. Memang kita benar benar dibawah pengawasan yang sangat ketat, tapi dibalik sisi itu semua, jadi anak asrama itu pertemanan dan kekeluargaannya sangat solid :) Kesimpulannya, tadi malam saya hanya melakukan aktivitas rutin seperti biasanya setiap akhir pekan, yaitu berkumpul dengan house saya, house yang artistik Manta Ray (´⌣`ʃƪ),  mungkin para pembaca sudah terlalu sering membaca kata Manta Ray di blog saya ini, hihi tapi jangan bosan bosan ya, mereka kan keluarga saya di Asrama :) 

          Yang sert dari tadi malam itu sebagian dari kita asyik berdiskusi masalah gebetan masing masing haha, sebagiannya lagi asyik besenda gurau dengan house Lion, dan yang paling menjengkelkan saat ketua house saya yang cewek menyuruh teman teman saya merekomendasikan cowok yang pantas untuk saya di sekolah, jelas aja mangkel kan saya sudah punya seseorang yang spesial *Eaaaaa .____. hihi, tapi beneran seru deh, apalagi cerita temen se-house saya tentang mimpinya, dan gara gara mimpinya itu dia jadi ngeputusin buat end aja sama gebetannya, bener bener hal yang konyol kan? dasar manusia masih tertanam doktrin doktrin konyol di dalam pemikirannya, sungguh cerita yang bener bener unik :) Gak kalah menariknya waktu kita niru niruin gaya salah satu temen kita yang lebe banget, tiap foto tangannya bentuk 'peace' kepala diiringkan dan bukan hidungnya yang mancung tapi bibirnya, haha Ya Tuhan dosa banget saya sama temen temen saya se-house kyaaargghh =D Apalagi ya? oh iya yang bikin sebel juga waktu saya minta tolong ke temen se-house buat ngambilin notebook saya yang ketinggalan di lantai 3, mumpung dia mau ke Lantai 3 juga, tapi akhirnya dia lupa ngambilin gara garanya buru buru mau charging sama pacarnya. Ga ketinggalan juga sifat polosnya saudara saya di house yang ga ketulungan gara gara salah beri nama kontak hp, akhirnya semua sms penting nyasar ke orang lain .___. God, dunia itu manis banget kalau anak anak tipe tipe kaya gini terus berkembang .___. gemes pengen makan orang rasanya.

          Oke, cukup garing sih cerita saya, gara gara gaada isnpirasi buat posting padahal ngebet banget blogging akhirnya yah diceritakan seadanya aja. Ohiya besok udah mulai sekolah dan mengawali semester 2 nih, berharap aja semester 2 nilai ga sehancur dan sesuram semester 1, juga yang terpenting sukses ujian IGCSE tahun ini buat para kelas 10 SMA N 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy) Amin, sekian dan terimakasih sudah sudi membaca postingan suram ini ~(˘▾˘)~

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

All about 2011, What has happened?

Hello January, hello new year 2012, when I made this post, I also have my breakfast with porridge made by my mom and accompanied by sweety rainy, very sweet moment in the beginning of 2012 :) Yeah, the conclusion is, I spent my holiday at hometown.

After a long time ago, busyness made me little forget w/ blogging, now I just wanna share a little things, ups but it will better if I say a greet first, “Happy new year 2012 all, hopefully in this year we will get a better life and it will be very fun, Amen.”

Talking about new year, of course everyone hoping  this year will be amazingly awesome than before, talking about before, I mean 2011, so much great memories here, about life, friendship and love :)

Start from my Sampoerna Academy’s tests  on April, 03-2011 ‘till April, 05-2011 at Malang town, here I have to press my brain to solve the hardest questions, have to  able in focus discussion group, interviewed by some greats people of Sampoerna Academy, all of matter made me little stress, first I got pessimist to be accepted in this school, but my family, teachers and friends always support me and sure that I will be accepted, that’s way my optimist grew.

Then my biggest fighting on April, 25-2011 ‘till April, 28-2011 in National Examination, the questions little easy of course, and it made me and my friends very optimist to get the really best score :)

Amazing holiday in Bali Island with the best classes 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, 9E, 9F of Junior High School 1 Tuban also the greatest teachers on April, 29-2011 (after National Examination) ‘till May, 02-2011, yaps, I can tell that it was be the last holiday between me and them, huh too bad to be undergone right?

Next, on May, 07-2011. What a beautiful day ever guys, I got news from my teacher that I was accepted in Sampoerna Academy, Kyaaaaaaargghh :D ! first, I’m not really believe, then I have browsing on the website of SMA N 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy) and I’m gonna believe when I saw my name on the list of the new students of Sampoerna Academy and got  so much scholarship.

On June, 04-2011, ceremonial of graduation, all the tears of everyone fall down, remember all of our togetherness during 3 years, yaps I’m expressed graduated from SMP N 1 Tuban with total scores of National Exam 37, 45. Math, 10.00 English 9.25 Indoesian 9.20 and Science 9.00, Give thanks to God :)

On July, 10-2011 be the worst day ever , I have to go leave my hometown, leave my families, besties, and all of great memories. All of matter, I have to continue my study in Sampoerna Academy

On July, 14-2011 what a really great day ever, Inauguration, moment that fully tears fall from my eyes and my mom’s eyes. Singing a great song, Spread Our Wings “We remember the start, we are go through the journey, we will reach the goals, let’s lend our hand to our brothers and sisters, let’s make a brighter tomorrow for others, make their impossible dreams possible, for when we believe and we are together, we can make a different” ? What a nice song guys, it was meaningful for everyone who heard it.

Since I Live my new life in a new city, it was more colorful, although it was little more complicated. Knowing all about Sampoerna Academy, like  HPC, House System, IGCSE curriculum and many others, the important things here, I got new families just like Manta Ray and X-5.  Sampoerna Academy though us about very solid togetherness, start from House Meeting, Class Meeting, House performance and so on, also the activity there that really excellent for every concept, learning to live. Ohh, wait the most interesting is Movie Night, every Saturday night.

How about Love? Haha I’ve post on “September, 07 2011. What a beautiful day ever” right? :) So, I’m loving him, dunno why he’s the only one who ever made me cry just because a boy. Haha okay that’s all, actually there were so many memories that I can’t tell here, just important thing I post. Sorry if this post so “Krik krik” I mean not interesting for you to read :) So, welcome 2012, be a really great year ever to me please :)