Teruslah berlayar, dan jangan coba
berlabuh di sembarang tempat. Tak peduli seberapa letihnya, teruslah berlayar.
Nahkodai pesiarmu sebaik mungkin. Sekali lagi, ketika kamu merasa sedikit saja
lelah, jangan terlena oleh panorama pelabuhan pelabuhan besar yang mereka
suguhkan dengan segala tipuan manisnya, teruslah berlayar hingga Tuhan
mengizinkanmu untuk berlabuh di pelabuhan yang sederhana, dimana kamu menemukan
kesempurnaan untuk berjuang dan menghabiskan sisa hidupmu disana.
Jumat, 30 November 2012
Kamis, 22 November 2012
First, it sucks when you miss that person so much
That you
look through old photos, old text messages, even old statuses. And it brings a smile to your face, but then
hurts comes back and you know you shouldn’t be looking back. Unfortunately, you
can’t help yourself because they really meaning something to you and you thought it would of lasted.
But someday, we know that we’ll forget the hurt, the reason
we cried and who caused us pain. We will finally realize that secret of being
free isn’t revenge, but letting things unfold in their own way and own time.
After all, what matters isn’t the first, but the last chapter of our life which
shows how well we ran the race. Smile, Love, Forgive, believe and love all over
Selasa, 20 November 2012
Did it surprise you?
“Did it surprise you that I am not who you
thought I was? Did it surprise you to find that I don’t exactly stand for what
you thought I stood for all along? Did it surprise you to find that I’m not
exactly how I played myself out to be? That the person you thought I was is
actually nothing to what I am.” - Tumblr

Minggu, 18 November 2012
Ajari Aku
Ajari aku bagaimana membungkus kerumitan itu dalam sebuah
bingkai kesederhanaan. Lalu, akan ku asah bingkai nya agar tetap berkilau, tak akan
aku pasang di dinding kusam, akan ku jaga baik baik disampingku, menemaniku
saat terlelap letih.
Ajari aku bagaimana memaknai kehilangan, keikhlasan yang
sepenuhnya mengisi ruang kalbu. Lalu akan kujaga hati ini baik baik, sebaik
mungkin, hingga yang pantas untuk menjaganya datang, meskipun aku tahu tak ada yang bisa membahagiakannya sehebat Engkau membuatnya selalu bercahaya, berdamai dengan diriku sendiri.
Ajari aku bagaimana memilih pilihan hidup, tanpa kematian
harus menjadi pilihan akhir. Lewat serangkaian abstraksi yang telah Kau oleskan dengan warna yang penuh arti.
Ajari aku untuk mengerti bahasa kalbuMu, ajari aku untuk mendengarMu, suaraMu yang tak lebih mendesah dari bisikan bisikan malaikat, namun terkadang lebih kerasa dari bedug rumah suciMu, ajari aku untuk membaca
pikiranMu dengan caraMu menatapku.
Tuntun aku untuk menemukan dimana senyum indah itu selama
ini? Jika Engkau yang mengambilnya, aku rela untuk memohon, kembalikanlah
sebagaimana mestinya. Ataukah jika Kau melakukan semua itu tidak dengan cuma cuma,
maka keyakinan itu datang, Kau sedang mengasah bingkai kesederhanaan itu
secantik mungkin. Terimakasih, semoga waktu selalu memberi luangnya padaku untuk mecintaiMu.
Sabtu, 17 November 2012
Friday will always be blessed.
Good day, good friday, good mood with a new room design. It was a really quality time by doing nothing. Then suddenly the rain came, what an amazing moment. All is well as we decided to be enjoy all the time.
And 7 habits by Sean Coveey was totally useful for me.
Inspire me...
Sorry for being a little bit narsis ._.
Book + Boardmarker = Let's share :)
Delicious Pink Amore and Sweet Corn Mayo

My beloved bed room, I made like my personal room in my home.

And 7 habits by Sean Coveey was totally useful for me.

Inspire me...

Sorry for being a little bit narsis ._.

Book + Boardmarker = Let's share :)

Delicious Pink Amore and Sweet Corn Mayo

Perfectly perfect mood booster :)
Jumat, 16 November 2012
Every woman's hope.
"A guy out there was meant to be the
love of your life, your bestfriend, your soulmate. The one you can tell your
dreams to. He’ll brush the hair out of your eyes.Sent you flower when you least expect it. He'll stare at you during the movie, eventhough he paid $8 too see it. He'll call to say goodnight or just because he's missing you. He'll look in your eyes and tell you, you're the most beautiful girl in the world, and for the first time in your life, you'll believe it." - Nicholas Sparks
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