Kamis, 12 April 2012

I've been feeling preety down in the dumps lately

Aaaaarghh, how's life? hopefully all is well. Oke, besok sabtu pulang ke hometown (Tuban) tapi tanggungngan masih banyak sekali, and the stupid things are, why I accepted those responsibility, mulai jadi koordinator photo newsletter, mondar mandir kesana kesini cari photo, koordinasi sama photographer sama modelnya juga u,u. Belum lagi jadi koordinator tulis catalog LCO (Local Content), arghh padahal seharusnya liburan diisi buat pacaran sama paper paper igcse ESL, persiapan igcse exam may-june. But but but, ga boleh nyerah gitu aja dong, itu artinya mereka percaya sama kamu nin buat nge-handle hal hal sedemikian rupa ;) Ganbatte Kudasai, semoga semua terselesaikan sebelum liburan  (ง`▽´)ง

Shark's Movie Nite, Magic in Romance :)

Selasa, 03 April 2012

The Future Has Arrived, Mystery of Time Machine

It has passed a few weeks ago, a great movie night of Manta Ray House. So, we as teenagers here have an event named movie night, watch a movie together with all of 10 graders. It is hold every 2 week by every house in Sampoerna Academy. Manta Ray is the sixth house who had a big responsibility to handle the sixth Movie Night. Here, we had a theme "The Future Has Arrived" with the tittle "Mystery Of Time Machine". The philosophy of otr theme means that we ask our friends to be serious but relax, yeah it can be serious enjoyable with our future. We've try so hard to be good Event Organizer, and a big thanks to God who have help us to made our agenda. Here Some photos that my friends and I took it.

They are Manta Ray Born
Manta ray's members from day students, but there's no differences with manta raizer who lived in dorm, we're still one solid family. They were very kind, they're helpful on movie night, I love them much. How lucky manta raizer have them. Thanks Andhita, Ais, Puspita, Belinda, Anggia, Laras, Joenathan, Brillian, Umay, Deni, Luqman and the others who cannot attend to our movie night but have participated. Big thanks, all of you are awesome brothers and sisters  :)

House Performance

So, before we enter the main event, that is watch the movie, we have houses performance first, so another house except Manta Ray or 8 houses as a guests, have to show their compactness and creativity to attract all off students. It can be dancing, singing, or drama.

Dolphin House

Eagle House

 Shark House

Dove House

Lion House

So sorry I cannot upload all of houses performance, because it's not complete. Just 5 houses I post, but all of 8 house was extremely great in their perform. After house performance, we played the movie, and here I have to say sorry (again), I cannot post the photo when we watch the movie, because I do not have any a good photo when the movie session. We played a movie with the tittle "In Time", it's relate with our theme.

Ocha or you may call her ochong as a presenter

Rewards and closing

That's all, sorry it isn't really complete ;;))

Minggu, 01 April 2012

3 Days to Remember

March, 29 2012.

Last  night was very nice, the month smile brightly and the stars spreads in a sea of sky. I love that moment so absolutely. I did little bit hubbub, I just took look above, hopefully he did the same thing like me. Suddenly my tears fell, then one of my friends said “Pandang bulan itu, siapa tau seseorang disana juga nglakuin hal yang kamu lakuin sekarang. Kalau iya, pasti kalian akan merasa ada di satu tempat yang sama. ” I did what my friend suggested, then I felt had telepathy with him.
By the way, talking about telepathy, have you ever felt it with someone?  I had. I don’t know why, every I’m thinking of him while my heart beat, I’m absolutely sure that we have heart’s contact, and when I’m thinking of him then feel surfeited, I’m directly take a conclusion that we haven’t any telepathy. I hope month there bring a peace to him from me.  That’s all ;)

March, 30 2012.

Huhu, sweety moment from Lion House. They held a movie & promnite, acoustic music also great performance from our school band “21.00 PM”. But poor of me is, I don’t have any special someone to came together  so I went there with my house friend. Then we found so much sweet things, start from acoustic music till rewards. Manta success to brought reward as “The Luckiest House”. We were extremely enjoyable. I’ll miss last night moment much someday. Just wait, I love you Sampoerna Academy. Ahhh Awesome ;)

March, 31 2012
Earth Hour? I’m sure everyone knows. So, here we switched off every lamp at dorm, mercusuar and campus II sampoerna academy for 60 minutes. We gather on Orange building, we brought candles. Then we have a formation, formed a lamp and number 60. We sang together and there’s a performance also from theater, dance and choir. Last we wrote our hope in the future for earth :)